Monday, 25 October 2021

Job Vacancy: VAT MANAGER


Our VAT Manager has one huge responsibility - to make sure all our Clients' VAT returns are filed on time, every time.


It's a big job: we file anywhere between 40 and 60 returns each and every month.


Our VAT Manager will do two things to make sure we are filing the returns we need to file. First of all they manage our VAT process using a team of people based both here in the office and remotely, too. They will also complete some of our more complex (and therefore interesting) VAT returns themselves.


We use as much technology as we possibly can to make the VAT return process as smooth as possible for both us and our clients. As such our VAT Manager will not only have two years experience 'in VAT' they will also be able to use a variety of online bookkeeping systems.


Our preferred package is QuickBooks but our clients (and we have portals for) a variety of software such as Xero, FreeAgent and even Coconut.


We are looking for a well organised and outgoing VAT Manager who will be an important and long-term member of our team.


I'll not deny, it's a busy role... but surely that's a good thing!


In return we offer an open, focused and fun place to work. The office is open plan and the environment is supportive... if there's a question to be asked, it gets asked!


All of us are focused on our clients - they are central to everything we do. We actively encourage our clients to pop in and see us and they do; sometimes to ask questions or bring us docs but often with the biscuits!


Although we're busy we do stop for the occasional chat and Richard has been known to pop to Costa once in a while. We don't live in each other's pockets but we do enjoy the occasional night out together.


The role is office based but there is the opportunity to work from home every so often.


Finally, we actively encourage development and will support anybody who wishes to learn, take exams and generally improve their knowledge of accounts.

Job Vacancy: Self Assessment Manager

 TaxAssist Accountants is a busy accountancy practice based in Corstorphine, Edinburgh...


The working environment is fast paced but fun, the office is open plan and the team very friendly.


The work is rewarding - helping people file their tax returns, giving advice and helping the team develop their knowledge too - and there's lots of it. We file more than 1,000 returns a year.


Although we are office based we're pretty flexible and working from home at least some of the time is entirely possible.


In return for all the fun (and salary) we are looking for an experienced tax return person who has worked in practice and so knows what it's like during tax return season!


Our new person will be able to produce tax returns for sole traders, landlords, company directors, high earners. They will be able to complete Capital Gains Tax calculations and be able to explain PAYE Coding notices too.


We are very much focused on customer service so communication with clients by 'phone, email and face to face, well, mask to mask, is part of the job.


Oh, and if the successful candidate knows the CCH IT system all the better. IT skills generally are really important - Excel particularly and knowledge of QuickBooks would be an advantage.


So, busy environment, fun team, salary and rewarding work in exchange for knowledge and skills.


Fair Deal?