Funny pictures of the team, useful documents in a library, calendar, telephone numbers and so on.
But the the thing we're most proud of is the Expenses Module.
The Expenses Module allows you to keep track of your day to day expenses and your mileage... and it's all completely simple.
Here's an example.
First thing first - you need to download the app which you can do from the App Store or Google Play by searching TaxAssist Awesome. (I know, I know - an app developer with a sense of humour!
You can get into the Expenses Module in one of two ways.
Ont he front page of the app there's a box called 'Expenses' - tap this. Or int he top left hand corner of the screen there are three lines. Tap on these and a menu opens - the Expenses Module is listed fairly near the bottom of your screen. Just tap on the word.
Once you've done this, the Expenses Module opens.
To Add an Expense
Tap 'Add and Expense'.
The first time only you'll need to add your name - either yours or your business. Once you've done this tap on each white box to complete the process:
- Date of Expense - this brings up a calendar. We suggest you add an expenses as soon as it's incurred
- Supplier - just a short description. So if it's your lunch, for example, just type 'Greggs'. (Other sandwich shops are available!)
- Category - this will bring up a menu - simply select the expense type. For your lunch it would 'Travelling expenses'
- Amount - add in the amount. This is the total you paid including any VAT which is specified on your receipt
All good so far?
Here comes the really clever bit.
If there's VAT applied to whatever you've bought tap 'Yes' box to the next question. If there isn't, tap 'No'.
It doesn't matter whether you're VAT registered or not yourself. Confirming that VAT has been paid will simply separate the VAT element out on the CSV file that gets sent to us.
Finally, if you have the receipt tap the final box 'Yes'. You will then be prompted to take a photo of the receipt. The app then attaches the photo to the expense.
You can throw the receipt away.
Once you have a number of expenses you might want to submit them to someone.
If we're looking after your bookkeeping, accounts or your personal tax return you'll need to send your expenses to us.
You can do this once a month, quarterly once a year... whenever.
And it's really easy to do.
Back on the front page of the Expenses Module click on the button that says 'Export All'.
You will be prompted to select a date range for the expenses you wish to export.
When you've entered the date range you need, tap 'Export'. The default email where your expenses will be sent is us... but you can change that to whatever email address you want.
So, you could send the expenses spreadsheet to yourself for your own records!
Next week, I'll talk you through the Mileage Calculator... which is brilliant, too. Of course, feel free to get in touch if you'd like some help with it before next week.
0131 202 9888.
To download our app visit the App Store or Google Play:
To download our app visit the App Store or Google Play: