Wednesday 23 July 2014


Sometimes I wished I didn't worry quite so much.

It seems to me that sometimes some people are able to breeze through life not worrying about... well, things really.  And I'm very envious of them.

Like the bloke on Bedford Railway Station this morning.  His trousers were very ruffled around his ankles.  That would worry me.  In fact, I worry that my trousers are too ruffled and I worry if they are half mast.

I worry that I'm putting on a bit of weight... and yet most people I see are bigger than me.  At least those of the same age.

And that's another thing.  I've suddenly released that I'm 46.  How did that happen?  It's a worry.

I worry if my 'phone doesn't ring or if it's ringing too much, I worry about what people think and if they don't think at all.  I worry about conflict (which I'm not good at, at all) but it really annoys me when someone throws a cigarette butt on the floor.

Enough already!

So, what's the secret of those people who seem to weave their way through life taking all these things in their stride.  I want some of that.

I bet there's a couple of things going on.

I bet firstly, I worry no more and no less than most people.  Everyone (or at least most people) have worries.  Secondly, I bet those people who seem more worry free worry just as much as everyone else.

The up shot of all that is, of course, that I shouldn't worry so much.

Care, there's a different kettle of fish.

Change the word 'worry' and replace it with 'care' and suddenly it doesn't seem so bad.  I do care about all those things, whether they were said tongue in cheek or not.  But I'd rather care than not.

Caring drives us to do the right things, to be better and think carefully about consequences when we decide on a course of action.  Caring is what differentiates one person from another.

For example, for better or for worse I do care what people think and feel.  That makes me think very carefully before saying or doing things that are going to impact on them.  It can a tricky path to steer and sometimes I think too much about others and not enough about me, but hey ho.

In fact, I think I might do a bit more thinking about others and see what effect it has.

Oh, and I might go on a proper diet, too.

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