Monday 26 August 2013

The Two Way Mirror

Last week I talked about a long term contract Richard had down in Cobham and this blog is from that time, too.

Richard would run a course Monday to Friday.  Delegates would leave the course after a closing presentation from the CEO of the business Richard was working for about 4.30 on the Frday afternoon.  Then, when the delegates had all left the CEO always insisted that everyone had to go for and end of course drink.

It has to be said that the guy in question was a generous fella, so it was off to Esher and the R Bar for a bottle of champagne (if the course had gone well) or a pint of beer (if the delegates left a bit flat).

Richard maintains he never tasted the beer in the R Bar but we're not sure we believe him!

Anyway, the R Bar was (and probably still is) nice place with an exclusive clientelle (apart from us, of course), most of whom were either footballers, entertainers or something to to do with Formula 1.

(As an aside: one time when Renee had also been down running the course we all ended up in the R Bar and were joined by a guy who was a race consultant to Formula 1 teams... very tall and handsome he was, too. 

Now, if you've not met Richard before it is very unlikely you would ever describe him as tall or handsome... but neither is he the jealous sort.  Mr Formula 1 took quite a shine to Renee, so much so that the CEO deicded that he had to reassure Richard: 'Don't worry, mate,' he said.  'He may be taller and better looking than you but he's much more boring than you are!'

Thanks a bunch for the complement thought Richard.)

Anyway, back to the R Bar and the two way mirror.

Imagine the bar: as you walk in the bar itself is along the left hand wall, there are tables along the right.  At the far end of the bar the wall from ceiling to about 4 feet from the floor is covered by an enormous mirror.  To the right hand side of the back wall there's a corridor leading to the loos.

So, a little way into the evening, Richard decides he needs to go to the loo.  Down the corridor the gents was the first door on the left and the urinals were on the wall behind the mirror, which turns out to be two way!

You could stand at the urinals doing, well, what needs to be done quite frankly, whilst watching the punters in the bar itself.  Richard remembers seeing both Chris Tarrant and John Terry chatting whilst he was...

Very funny and interesting it was, if slightly uncomfortable... but things suddenly got much more uncomfortable.

Richard was at the left hand urinal, closest to the corner when, suddenly, on the other side of the mirror up pops the face of the CEO.  He looks through the mirror and downwards and points to Richard's Gentleman's area, laughs and pops away again... only to re-appear a few seconds later with his entire team who proceeded to gather round exactly opposite Richard, all looking just where they shouldn't have been.

Very off putting it was, too, because Richard couldn't work out whether it was gag or a switch had been flicked and the mirror was now just a piece of glass...

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